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We have a 7-day return policy, which means you have 7 days to request a return after receiving your item. As a customer, if you find that the product you purchased is not working, you can contact us with a refund request at or through a support ticket from your real gpls admin dashboard, and our team will try to fix it. If our team cannot fix it, we will refund your money on the same day, no questions asked.
We have purchased a product, can we return it?
Yes Absolutely! Our goal is to provide complete customer satisfaction, as a customer if you feel that the product you purchased is not working properly then you can request for an exchange or refund, we will issue the refund promptly without any questions asked.We provide same day Guaranteed Refund Initiation.
Please note that the product sold by us is a completely GPL(GNU)General Public License- product and does not contain a license key, hence you are requested not to request a refund for the license key.
We also reserve the right to refuse a refund under the following circumstances:
- You have changed your mind about an item/subscription. (You can take an exchange in such cases.)
- You accidentally purchased an item, and that product has already been shipped/downloaded by you.
- The product is incompatible with your WordPress, plugins, or web server settings.
- The product does not work as you intended.
- The product displays a message about needing to enter a license key or activation key.
- Your website broke while installing the product.
- You have denied our support staff access to your site to check our product, and there is an issue with your account.
Please also note that:
You can cancel your account at any time. However, there is no refund for cancellation. If you receive a refund, you will not be able to use the downloaded premium products. Once the refund is initiated from our side, it will appear in your original payment method within 7 working days (excluding holidays).